U.S. Literature Syllabus


Ms. Hogshead

What is U. S. Literature?

U.S. Literature is a survey course designed to introduce 10th grade students to the breadth of U.S. literature. In this course, students will analyze and evaluate literary works from multiple perspectives.  This syllabus is simply a guide.  Items on this syllabus are subject to change, but you will be made aware of changes in advance. 

Quarter 1                                    Quarter 2                        Quarter 3                          Quarter 4
Content: Memoir, Colonial Literature, Revolutionary Literature, Romantic and Transcendentalist Literature

Skills: evaluating, literary elements (plot, setting, theme, point of view, and characters); recognizing historical context; incorporating persuasive techniques; using the rhetorical triangle; identifying techniques and ideas in literary genres/time periods; annotating texts
Content: Realistic Literature

Skills: analyzing literary elements (plot, setting, theme, point of view, and characters), recognizing historical context, identifying techniques and ideas in literary genres/time periods, annotating texts
Content: Novel, Modern Literature, Research Paper, Poetry

Skills: analyzing literary elements (plot, setting, theme, point of view, and characters); recognizing historical context; identifying techniques and ideas in literary genres/time periods; responding to text using a variety of critical approaches; contrasting the experiences of ethnic groups; developing an argument; crafting language to inform and persuade; developing MLA skills such as finding, using, and evaluating information from sources; using poetic language and devices
Content: Research Paper, Postmodern Literature

Skills: analyzing literary elements (plot, setting, theme, point of view, and characters); recognizing historical context; identifying techniques and ideas in literary genres/time periods; responding to text using a variety of critical approaches; evaluating the function of literary devices such as motif; developing an argument; crafting language to inform and persuade; developing MLA skills such as finding, using, and evaluating information from sources


Critical Reading:  Read more actively, looking for deeper meanings in texts. 
Critical Thinking:  Increase your ability to question and to build logical, well-supported arguments.
Annotating/Dialoging Text:  Keep commentary on texts to prepare for discussions and written tasks.
Literary Analysis:  Analyze readings from multiple perspectives.
Research:  Increase your ability to navigate and evaluate information and use MLA format. 



US Literature is a discussion-based course.  I employ a wide variety of assignments and assessments including: tests and quizzes, journals, in-class essays, research papers, individual and group research projects (some requiring presentations), and various forms of discussion. 



Class Participation: Students are expected to fully participate in all discussions and activities. 
Effective Organization:  Students need to bring all the necessary materials to class. (See Class Materials below.)
Group Work:  Students are expected to work cooperatively in small groups.
Time Management:  Students need to manage reading assignments and projects to meet deadlines.



Adhering consistently to the following expectations will positively influence your class participation grade.  Failing to adhere to the following expectations will negatively impact your class participation grade and may lead to a parent conference or a referral to the high school principal for further disciplinary action.
·                Follow the student handbook rules of conduct including the English-only policy.
·                Come to class prepared and punctual: Bring and use the required items listed in this document.
·                Use class time appropriately:  Be punctual and stay on task during all class time.
·                You must gain permission to leave the classroom, including using the restroom, going to your locker, etc.
·                Submit all assignments in accordance with the deadlines and specific instructions given. 
·                Participate to the best of your ability. 
·                Food and drink will be banned if trash is left or they are distracting.
·                If a cell phone is used or rings in class it may be handed over to the school office. 
·                Demonstrate respect at all times by maintaining a positive, cooperative, and open-minded attitude.



·                Unless specifically informed otherwise, assignments are individual efforts.
·                Plagiarism and other violations of academic integrity will be strictly prosecuted.
·                Late assignments will be subject to the penalties outlined in the school handbook.
·                Rubrics and expectations for major assignments will be clearly outlined. 
·                Most assignments will be asked to be sent via email: hogsheade@siskorea.com


The following policies are in accordance with the school’s policies on absences:
·                For expected absences, including field trips, see your teacher BEFORE you are absent in order to collect assignments. 
·                If you are absent the day that an assignment is due, send the assignment via family, friend, or fax.
·                For unexpected absences, see your teacher the morning you return to make up missed work. 
·                In order to make up a test, quiz, or presentation without a late penalty, a doctor’s excuse is required.
·                An unexcused absence forfeits your ability to make up assignments or submit the assignment late. 

  • Class starts according to the schedule printed in the handbook.
  • I will use the digital clock in the English hallway as the start time for class (I’ll use the 8:00 bell for 1st and 6th periods).
  • To be counted as on time, you must be in the classroom at the time class starts.
  • You will be considered tardy if your stuff, but not your body, is not in the classroom when the clock on the hallway shows the start time of class.
  • Anyone asking to go to their locker, restroom, etc. within the first 10 minutes of class will be marked tardy.
  • Students will lose 1 point from their quarterly AMP score for each tardy per quarter.




·                Language of Literature
·                2-3-ring binders and sufficient paper (1 binder will stay in the classroom and needs dividers)
·                At least one black or blue pen (that will be used for journals, drafts, quizzes, and tests).
·                At least one colored pen or pencil (that will be used for revision, editing, dialoging, and marking quizzes).  



Registering: Go to www.turnitin.com and click the “user log in” button, click “New users”, and click “Student”.  Now you must join a class, so enter the class ID number (listed below) and the class password (Hogshead).  You should now be a member of the class! 
Go to www.turnitin.com.  If you’ve registered before, log in.  If you have never used turnitin before, click on “New Account” and follow the prompts.  Once you’re logged in, you must join a class, so enter the class ID number and password, listed below.  You should now be a member of the class!

Class Code


Your US Literature teacher is available for assistance; however, it is your responsibility to take advantage of that assistance in a timely fashion.  If you wait until the last minute to ask for help, you are likely to find your teacher less willing to help.
·                The Writing Center offers tutorial assistance with writing during lunch and the activity period.  Sign up for an appointment.
·                You may make appointments with your teacher if you wish to receive assistance from your teacher.
·                My e-mail addresses for school-related correspondence are hogsheade@siskorea.org

Any late homework or class work assignments, essays, and/or projects will be subject to the following late work policy:
Any late homework or class work assignments, essays, and/or projects will be subject to the following late work policy:
*10% deduction for late turn-in on the due day.                                    * 25% deduction for turn-in the next day.
* 50% deduction for turn in on the third day.                                    * 0% may be given after the third day.
It is your responsibility to come to your teacher’s classroom to turn in a late assignment, even if you don’t have that class that day.  Technical difficulties, such as computer or printer problems, will NOT excuse late work. 

We look forward to a great year!

Ms. Hogshead

I have read and understand the syllabus for US Literature.


____________________________________________________________________________________  _______________
(Signature)                                                                                                                                                                                                      (Date)